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Source language
Danish hej leonard jeg elsker dig meget højt og du er...
hej leonard jeg elsker dig meget højt og du er min eneste ene og vil altid elske dig for jeg tror at skæbnen har ført os to sammen

Completed translations
Romanian Bună Leonard. Eu te iubesc enorm de mult şi tu eşti ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish der er jo noget som hedder og tilgive mig!
der er jo noget som hedder og tilgive mig!
at tilgive mig

Completed translations
Romanian Este ceva care se numeşte "a mă ierta".
Source language
Greek ενοικιαζεται δωματιο 20 τετραγωνικων
ενοικιαζεται δωματιο 20 τετραγωνικων μετρων με ατομικο μπανιο και κουζινα
το δωματιο ειναι καινουργιο και ενοικιαζεται για 1 η 2 ατομα [ζευγαρι] και να παραμεινουν τουλαχιστον 1 ετος
η τιμη του ειναι 150 ευρω το μηνα και θα πληρωνουν το νερο και το ηλεκτρικο ρευμα

Completed translations
Romanian Cameră de închiriat de 20 metri pătraţi
Source language
Romanian M-am tot gandit la tine zilele astea...
M-am tot gândit la tine zilele astea, dar parcă mi-a fost frică să iţi trimit. Te-am şi visat azi-noapte. Mi-e dor să te ţin în braţe şi să te sarut. Noapte bună!
Gekregen in sms.
Tekst graag in het Vlaams en/of Engels.

Completed translations
English I've been thinking about you these past days but I was kind ...
Dutch Ik heb de voorbije dagen aan je zitten denken
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian musko ili zensko
musko ili zensko
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Swedish Maskulin eller feminin.
Spanish masculino o feminino
Russian мужское или женское
Macedonian машко или женско
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish jeg gør det aldrig mere og det lover jeg dig højt...
jeg gør det aldrig mere og det lover jeg dig højt og helligt!jeg vil aldrig gøre sådan noget mere.du betyder så meget for mig.og mister jeg dig så mister jeg bare alt.

Completed translations
Romanian Nu o să mai fac niciodată aceasta şi îţi promit în mod solemn...
Source language
Latin Caeci censores raro discernunt colores
Caeci censores raro discernunt colores

Completed translations
Romanian Judecătorii orbi rar discern culorile.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish si, un poco, ¿y tú?
si, un poco, ¿y tú?
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Swedish Ja, bara lite, och du?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish hvorfor vil du ikke tilgive mig for det jeg har...
hvorfor vil du ikke tilgive mig for det jeg har gjort?jeg er jo meget ked af det jeg har gjort.og jeg gør det jo aldrig mere!

Completed translations
Romanian De ce nu vrei să ma ierţi pentru ceea ce am...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish jeg har meget dårlig samvittighed
jeg har meget dårlig samvittighed
jeg har meget dårlig samvittighed

Completed translations
Romanian Am avut conştiinţa foarte încărcată.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish jeg er utrolig glad for dig og jeg vil gi dig alt...
jeg er utrolig glad for dig og jeg vil gi dig alt i mit liv

Completed translations
Romanian Eu sunt incredibil de fericită pentru tine şi vreau să îţi ofer totul ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian "non Morire Curiosa"
"non Morire Curiosa"
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Swedish "Att inte dö nyfiken"
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Su an seni ne kadar özledigimi ve yanimda olmani...
Su an seni ne kadar özledigimi ve yanimda olmani istedgmi sen bile tahmin edemezsin.

Completed translations
English You can't imagine how much I miss you..
Swedish Du kan inte föreställa dig hur mycket jag saknar dig ...
Estonian Sa ei kujuta ette ..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish vil du gifte dig med mig hvis jeg lover at jeg er...
vil du gifte dig med mig hvis jeg lover at jeg er din pige for resten af livet??
vil du gifte dig med mig

Completed translations
Romanian Vrei să te căsătoreşti cu mine dacă îţi promit că voi fii ...
Source language
Italian Il messaggio A:
Il messaggio

A: xxx@yyy.zz
Oggetto: reading please
Inviato: 04/04/2008 12.47

è stato letto il giorno 04/04/2008 12.50.
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English The message to:
Turkish Mesaj
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Chinese simplified 重视保健食品技术创新的转型期
translated into American English

Completed translations
English Emphasis on health food technology innovation in transition
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish sen bașkasin
sen bașkasin

Completed translations
English you are different
Romanian Tu eÅŸti altfel.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian cea mai grea decizie...
Cea mai grea decizie a mea a fost când a trebuit să aleg între părinţii mei şi bunicii mei, deoarece ei se certaseră între ei şi a trebuit să aleg cu cine să stau.
Added diacritics/Freya

Completed translations
English have you ever had an important or difficult...
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